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SMP Connectors
The SMP interface is a subminiature interface in the same scale as MMCX connectors but offers a frequency range of DC to 40 GHz. It is commonly used in miniaturized high frequency coaxial modules and is offered in both push-on and snap-on mating styles.
The interface is an excellent choice for PC board to board interconnects. For these applications, the interface series offers an interesting solution by utilizing a male connector on each of the PC boards and a female-to-female adapter mounted in between to complete the connection. The female adapter is often called a bullet and is necessary to provide a flexible link between the male connectors. This flexible link allows .020 inches of radial float and .010 inches of axial float. Typically, one male connector will be specified as a snap on interface and the other as a push on. This ensures that the bullet adapter remains fixed in the same male connector if the PC boards are separated. The bullets are available in multiple lengths to allow for different board spacing.
In its snap-on configuration, the SMP interface is available in two levels of detent each with different mate and de-mate forces. The two levels are full detent and limited detent. In board mount applications, the lower level of detent (limited detent) is typically selected, as it is only required to retain the bullet. Full detent is often used for discreet cable connections where higher forces are desirable.
• Insulation Resistance : The insulation resistance shall not be less than 5,000 megaohms.
• Dielectric Withstanding Voltage : Refer to applicable military slash sheet or consult factory.
• RF High Potential Withstanding Voltage : Refer to applicable military slash sheet or consult factory.
• Contact Resistance : Refer to applicable military slash sheet or consult factory.
• Voltage Standing Wave Ratio ( VSWR ) : Refer to applicable military slash sheet or consult factory.
• RF Leakage : Refer to applicable military slash sheet or consult factory.
• Insertion Loss : Refer to applicable military slash sheet or consult factory.
• Corona Level :Refer to applicable military slash sheet or consult factory.
• Force to Gngage and Disengage
- Engage
. 15.0 lbs. Max., Full Detent
. 5.0 lbs. Max., Limited Detent
. 2.0 lbs. Max. Smooth Bore and Catcher' Mitt.
- Disengage
. 5.0 lbs. Min. Full Detent
. 1.5 lbs. Min. Full Detent
. 0.5 lbs. Min., Smooth Bore and Catcher' Mitt
• Misalignment : +/- .020 Radial, .000/.010 Axial
• Cable Retention Force : Consult Factory
• Mating Characteristics : Female only 1/4 oz. Min. withdrawal with .0140-.0000/+.00002 diameter pin.
• Connector Durability
- The connector to be and its mating connector shall be subjected to
100 Mating cycles Min. for Full Detent
500 Mating cycles Min. for Limited Detent
5000 Mating cycles Min. for Smooth Bore and Catcher' Mitt.
- The connector shall show no evidence of mechanical failure and the connector shall meet the
mating characteristic requirements.
• Vibration : Specifiation MIL-STD-202, Method 204, Test Condition D.
• Shock : Specifiation MIL-STD-202, Method 213, Test Condition I.
• Thermal Shock : Refer to applicable military slash sheet or consult factory
• Corrosion ( Salt Spray )
- Specifiation MIL-STD-202, Method 101, Test Condition B. No measurement at high humidity.
• Moisture Resistance
- Specifiation MIL-STD-202, Method 106, No measurement at high humidity . Insulation resistance
shall be 200 megaohms Min. within 5 minutes after removal from humidity.
• Steel Corrosion Resitant per ASTM A-582, 300 Series, AMS 5567, AMS 5370
• Brass Alloy per ASTM B-16
• Beryllium Copper per ASTM B-196 or B-197
• PTFE Fluorocarbon per ASTM D-1457
• Silicone Rubber per ZZ-R-765, CLASS IIB. 50-60 Shore
Center contacts shall be gold plated to a minimum thick ness of .00005-inch in accordance with ASTM B-488, Type 2, code C over nickel nderplate. All other metal parts shall be finished so as to provide a connector which meets the corrosion requirements of this table.
The sesign shall be such that the outline dimensions in this catalog are met. In addition, the assembled connector shall meet the interface dimensions. Dimensions are reference only unless stated.
• Body : Gold, Nickel, Silver, Suco Plating and Passivated depends on customer demand.
• Center contact : Gold, Nickel, Silver, Suco Plating depends on customer demand.